Crazy Life of a Real Estate Investor

June 24, 2017

At the beginning of this real estate journey, my main focus was to find a deal so that I could eat, pay some bills and pay child support. That was it.

Now I am getting older, kids are grown and on their own. I am looking for more passive types of investments. Namely notes that I can buy at a discount because they are not paying on time or not paying at all. I tend to get these performing or I if I have to, I really hate to, but I will foreclose on the loans and get a house that needs to be rehabbed. Sometimes a deal comes along that I dont want and I can find a buddy/fellow investor to buy it and make a quick small amount for wholesaling a property.

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Marketing is part of everyday. Networking to meet others is constant. Working with and sometimes against contractors, tenants, sellers, buyers, realtors and other investors is what I deal with everyday. I have to look at properties, analyze them and make offers. Work with the sellers to try to get them what they want and still be able to make a profit for me. Lots of things are always happening. It is always fun and you are always meeting new people.

Over time I am going to talk to you about overspending because I see so many people who can not even pay their bills much less have money to invest. Live BELOW your means. Just because you make 80k or 100k per year does not mean that you need a new car every 2 or 3 years. Take it to 150k miles AND THEN go get a used car with 40k miles on it.

My passion is saving people from themselves. When you buy less junk in your life, you can save money for real estate investments that will take care of you for a lifetime. You may even be able to take a vacation and pay cash for it.


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